★ Smart: 最常使用的字,可用來形容某些方法、方式或是稱讚某人聰明。
例句:Angela is such a smart person and always make correct decisions.
The boy was so smart that he finished the puzzle in 5 minutes.
★Intelligent: 稍微正式一點的用字,意思為「非常聰明」。
例句:He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.
She's a hard working person but she’s not very intelligent.
★Brilliant: 常被用來形容事情或是人「極度聰明」的意思。除了表示聰明以外,也可用來表達精彩的或是有才華的。
例句:People respect him because of his brilliant mind.
He's father is a brilliant artist.
★Wise: 指「有智慧的」,通常是透過經驗或是知識的累積而得來的。
例句:It's wise to bring an umbrella with you during the monsoon season.
It's not wise to put everything you have to invest one corporation.
例句:Johnny is a cunning child. He always succeeds in cheating his parents.
Everyone in his class is afraid of talking to him because of his cunning smile and the words he says.
★ Smart: 最常使用的字,可用來形容某些方法、方式或是稱讚某人聰明。
例句:Angela is such a smart person and always make correct decisions.
The boy was so smart that he finished the puzzle in 5 minutes.
★Intelligent: 稍微正式一點的用字,意思為「非常聰明」。
例句:He is so intelligent that he always keeps ahead of his competitors.
She's a hard working person but she’s not very intelligent.
★Brilliant: 常被用來形容事情或是人「極度聰明」的意思。除了表示聰明以外,也可用來表達精彩的或是有才華的。
例句:People respect him because of his brilliant mind.
He's father is a brilliant artist.
★Wise: 指「有智慧的」,通常是透過經驗或是知識的累積而得來的。
例句:It's wise to bring an umbrella with you during the monsoon season.
It's not wise to put everything you have to invest one corporation.
例句:Johnny is a cunning child. He always succeeds in cheating his parents.
Everyone in his class is afraid of talking to him because of his cunning smile and the words he says.
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